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Fireplace Tile Installation

The incredible durability that most kinds of tiles offer is why you can take advantage of them in so many ways around your home. Beyond use in your kitchen and bathroom, tiles can also be great for use around your fireplace for this very reason. Their durability, including resistance to heat, means they can act as a great barrier around your fireplace. That’s not the only benefit, however. There’s so many more reasons why choosing tiles for your fireplace is such a great idea. Our service can install tiles for a number of different home fireplaces.

AM Floor Covering - Tile Installation - Lowell


The durability and heat resistant qualities of most tiles mean they can be useful for your fireplace. However, it’s important to note that tiles cannot be installed directly in your fireplace, the space that’s known as the firebox, as the conditions are not suitable. Instead, tile work can be installed to surround your fireplace. This can have practical benefits, including keeping the fire contained and your home safe, as well as decorative ones. As part of our service, we can install a range of quality tiles that are perfect for use around your fireplace.

Durable and Heat Resistant

The main reason why tiles can be great for use around your fireplace is that they are both durable and heat resistant. Most kinds of tiles are able to withstand quite high temperatures and, perhaps more importantly, the kind of rapid changes in temperature that can occur within the confines of your fireplace. This means they won’t experience any damage. On top of that, it also mean they can act as a great protective barrier against the heat. Along with these practical benefits, there’s also the decorative benefits that comes with choosing tiles too.

AM Floor Covering - Tile Installation - Lowell

Design Appeal

In many cases, fireplaces are often in a prominent position in the room and really draw the eye of anyone entering. As such, they also serve kind of decorative function on top of their practical one. This is another reason why tiles can be such a great option for your fireplace. The decorative appeal of tiles can be way to give your fireplace a modern and stylish appeal and ensure that it perfectly matches the look and feel of the room.

AM Floor Covering - Tile Installation - Lowell

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